Friday, August 9, 2013


Hey guys,

This is a video that we did together several weeks ago. I find myself indulge in the video editing process. There'll definitely be more videos in the future. But for now, Jo and I will be taking a break from blogging as we are another step closer until our big decisive test. We'll be sitting for our SPM soon, along side with any other 17 year old Malaysian students like us. 

Fyi, SPM is a big Malaysia test for the form 5 students (17 yr old).

Currently, Malaysia is having one of our many festive season. Hari Raya Aidilfitri. So apparently, I am immersed in this joyous festive season and abandoning my books. I don't know how is Jo doing as I have been indirectly isolating myself from social networks up til just now since I don't own a smartphone currently. So, "I'm alive! How are you doing?!".

Till then, do stay tune with us!

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